Once upon a time there was a beautiful October morning full of frost and gorgeous light. That was the morning of Addie's senior session. Having had to postpone her original date due to 2 weeks of solid rain and gloomy weather in October, we forged ahead through the frost and 34 degree weather and my oh my oh my oh my was it SOOO worth it!
Addie is a SWEET, TALENTED, QUIET, BEAUTIFUL young lady. She's quite an amazing dancer and has a heart full of pure gold!
I teased her at her reveal session this morning that these photos could launch her modeling career, don't you agree? ;)

I normally don't edit a lot of b/w photos, but I pretty much fell in love with all of her images in color and b/w!

Want to have an amazing senior portrait experience like Addie's? I have a few dates left for fall and have started scheduling for the spring! Reach out to me below, I can't wait to hear from you :)